Key Stage 3

Ages 12-14yrs

Lesson Plans from the internet

Jobs (4 lessons)

Lesson 1 – In this lesson, children will discuss the jobs of the characters in their favourite tv show and films. They will talk about similarities in the jobs of female characters and the jobs of male characters.

Lesson 2 – In this lesson, children will learn about the gender pay gap and discuss what could be done to reduce it.

Lesson 3 – In this lesson, children will talk about the jobs they want to do when they are older and whether tv and film characters have inspired them. They will also talk about how discrepancies between genders on TV could be challenged.

Lesson 4 – In this lesson, children will discuss job adverts and how they may be targeting one gender over the other. They will also design a job advert that uses gender-neutral language.

Gender and Society (1 lesson)

In this lesson, children will research one of three examples of studies about gender roles. They will also consider what influences gender roles in a society.

Gender equality in the world (3 lessons)

Lesson 1 – In this lesson, children will talk about and research significant events in relation to gender equality.

Lesson 2 – In this lesson, children will discuss statistics around gender equality in different countries.

Lesson 3 – In this lesson, children will guess statistics around gender equality and learn about the Sustainable Development Goals 5. They will also visit the Womens’ Stats Website to learn about gender equality statistics across the world and create their own quiz questions.

Gender equality in school and community (3 lessons)

Lesson 1 – In this lesson, children will consider issues of gender inequality in their school or wider community and how these come about. They will also consider how these can be resolved.

Lesson 2 – Expanding on the last lesson, children will discuss which actions to rectify gender equality are most preferred and which are least preferred. They will also discuss why this is.

Lesson 3 – As the final lesson, children will discuss which actions to rectify gender equality are most impactful/least impactful and easiest to do/hardest to do. They will then consider what they can do as a class to reduce gender inequality and how they will monitor how much change they are making.

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KS 2 (7-11yrs)